My Thoughts:
In SS Class we talked about the 10 commandments and how they apply to our lives. Brother Larry said that Psalms 119 was a good picture of the commandments and how we should view them. I started off reading Psalms 119 but stopped at verse 8. This is what I got from verses 1-8. Please feel free to comment, make correction, or give any thoughts.
To me Psalms 119:1-8 shows the beginnings of a new believer. Once we become a Christian, follower of Christ, Christ like, we should strive to follow the commands God has given us.
In Verses 1-3, I see that it talks about one who is a Christian and follows the commands of God; who seeks the will of God everyday; who strives to do no wrong. A new believer wants to what is right and they do what ever God commands them. They want to please God and be blessed.
(Is there anyone who can do no wrong? How have you "tried" to please God?)
In Verses 4-5 I see that is talks about Gods commands. That He has given them and that they are a way of life. A goal. Each command that God has given us is a not just a rule, but a walking path that He laid out for us. Following that path and not straying from it is what He has for us. Blessed are those who do my commandments. Rev. 22:14
(Does your goals reflect Gods will? Does your way of life reflect Gods will? How have you worked toward staying on the path God laid out for us?)
In Verses 6-8 I see that it talks about Learning His commands, Following His commands, and being Blessed. That we should fix our eyes (mind) on the commandments that He has given us. Learn them to a point that they are always at the front of our thinking. All day, everyday, is a step closer to doing the will of God.
(Have you Learned Gods commandment? Are you Following them? When you keep His commands how do you feel?)
10 Commandments are in Exodus 20:1-21.
Words for thought:
Law torah instructions
Testimonies 'edot what God solemnly testifies to be His will
Precepts piqqudim what God has appointed to be done
Statutes khuqqim; khuqqot what the divine Lawgiver has laid down
Commandments mitswot what God has command
Rules mishpatim what the divine Judge has ruled to be right
Word 'imrah; dabar what God has spoken
Steadfast stako be firm in Gods word
If you have made it his far... Thank you. I am not a scholar by any ways, nor one that truly understands the Bible in it's fullness. But we all have the ability to read the Bible and pray about what we read to get what God wants us to see. If you have any comments, corrections, or thoughts, please feel free to reply. I am still learning and still growing as we should be.
Aaron Justice
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